Functional Patterns in a Logic Language
This isn’t a primer in core.logic
, but instead supposed to pique the reader’s interest in the alien world of logic programming.
To do so, I’ll translate the functions map
, filter
, and reduce
into their relational counterparts.
A Motivating Example
Imagine you need to inspect all lists of numbers that simultaneously sum to 42
, and multiply to 152
. How many lines of code would that take you to write that?
Here’s the relational version of the solution, simplified (barely).
(run* [q]
;; find all lists that sum to 42 and multiply to 152
(reduceo + 0 q 42)
(reduceo * 1 q 152))
;; => ([4 38] [38 4] [2 2 38] [2 38 2] [38 2 2])
So there are 5 lists that qualify.
A Crazier Example: Quines
A quine is a program that, when evaluated, returns it’s own source code. These are tougher than you’d think to find, but they exist in most languages.
William E. Byrd is a logic machine and wrote an interesting paper detailing a program which finds quines, and the more complex twines, and thrines.
Here’s the entire program for finding all possible (infinite?) quines in a lisp language:
(run* [q] (eval-expo q '() q))
So, it finds all programs q
that when evaluated in the “empty environment” ('()
), return q
Details for my reduceo
is a useful function for compressing lists down into something.
ex: (reduce + 0 [1 2 3]) ;; => 6
A function takes inputs and returns an output.
A relation however can be viewed as a set of all inputs-output tuples that are related according to some relationship.
consider: (reduceo + 0 _ 6)
(notice reduceo
doesn’t return anything, the _
is pseudo-syntax of a “hole” to be filled, and the 6
is just part of the relationship)
lists that fill the hole and satisfy the relation: ([6], [1 5], [1 1 1 1 1 1], [1 2 3], ...)
Wow. And I thought functional practices were declarative. With core.logic
, you really just describe your problem and get back answers.
You may notice that clojure’s stock +
is a function, which is incompatible with this relations-based language. My motivating example uses not the function +
, but the similar relationship +
from clojure.core.logic.fd
, which looks kind of like this: (fd/+ a b answer)
The Guts
I think the code is fairly simple to read through if you understand the basics of core.logic
, but please let me know if there’s something I need to clarify! You should be able to copy-paste this and play around with it!
You’ll notice, I wrote functions reducef, mapf, filterf
, this is a re-implementation of the core functions, which allowed me to better understand how the relational version needed to be built, and I left them in so that my readership can appreciate the similarities and differences.
disclaimer: I’m a logic noob, so you’ll probably find a lot you’d like to change, point it out and I’ll fix it!
(ns clj-scratch.core-logic
(:require [clojure.core.logic :refer :all]
[clojure.core.logic.fd :as fd]))
;; A couple useful relations for playing around with things ----------
(defn inco [x a]
(fd/+ 1 x a))
(defn eveno [n]
(fresh [a]
[(== 0 n)]
[(fd/+ 2 a n)
(eveno a)])))
;; REDUCE ----------
(defn reducef [f base coll]
(if (empty? coll)
(reducef f
(f base (first coll))
(rest coll))))
(reducef + 0 [1 2 3]) ;; => 6
(defn reduceo [relo base coll answer]
[(emptyo coll) (== answer base)]
[(fresh [new-coll new-base fst]
(firsto coll fst)
(resto coll new-coll)
(relo base fst new-base)
(reduceo relo new-base new-coll answer))]))
(run 10 [q]
(reduceo fd/+ 42 [1 2 3 q] 52)) ;; => (4)
(run 10 [q]
(reduceo fd/+ 42 [1 2 3 4] q)) ;; => (52)
(run 10 [q]
(reduceo fd/+ q [1 2 3 4] 52)) ;; => (42)
;; MAP ----------
(defn mapf [f coll]
(reducef (fn [m x] (conj m (f x))) [] coll))
(mapf inc [1 2 3]) ;; => [2 3 4]
(defprotocol Mapo
(mapo-helper [coll relo answer]))
(extend-protocol Mapo
(mapo-helper [coll relo answer]
(reduceo (fn [coll x new-coll]
(fresh [x2]
(relo x x2)
(conjo coll x2 new-coll)))
[] coll answer)))
(defn mapo
"flips `coll` to first position, so `extend-protocol` can dispatch
on it"
[relo coll answer]
(mapo-helper coll relo answer))
(run 10 [q]
(mapo inco [1 2 3 4] q)) ;; => ([2 3 4 5])
(run 10 [q]
(mapo inco [1 2 3 q] [2 3 4 5])) ;; => (4)
;; FILTER ----------
(defn filterf [f coll]
(reducef (fn [coll x] (if (f x)
(conj coll x)
(filterf even? (range 10)) ;; => [0 2 4 6 8]
(defprotocol Filtero
(filtero-helper [coll relo answer]))
(extend-protocol Filtero
(filtero-helper [coll relo answer]
(reduceo (fn [coll x new-coll]
[(relo x)
(conjo coll x new-coll)]
[(== coll new-coll)]))
[] coll answer)))
(defn filtero [relo coll answer]
(filtero-helper coll relo answer))
(run 10 [q]
(filtero eveno [1 2 3 4 5 6] q)) ;; ([2 4 6])
;; That Cool example ----------
;; notice that to help out `run`, I constrain
;; my answer-space a bit
(run 10 [q]
;; constrain the answers to lists of length 2 or 3
;; and ints of range 0-1000
(fresh [x y z]
(conde [(== q [x y])]
[(== q [x y z])])
(fd/in x y z (fd/interval 0 1000)))
;; find all lists that sum to 42 and multiply to 152
(reduceo fd/+ 0 q 42)
(reduceo fd/* 1 q 152))